香港音乐类博士院校排名 请问香港有什么音乐学院或者是大学里面有音乐系的? ...
来源:好上学 时间:2024-11-04
今天,好上学小编为大家带来了香港音乐类博士院校排名 请问香港有什么音乐学院或者是大学里面有音乐系的? ...,希望能帮助到广大考生和家长,一起来看看吧!
香港留学 开设音乐硕士专业的学校及课程安排 - 百度...
他们是: 1. 香港中文大学
2. 香港浸会大学
3. 香港教育学院
1. 香港中文大学
2. 香港浸会大学
Module List:Classroom Music
Psychology & Sociology in Music心理学和社会学在音乐
3 units
Curriculum Development & Music Materials课程开发&音乐材料
3 units
Choral Conducting合唱指挥
Conducting Practicum进行实习
3 units
Choral Pedagogy合唱教学
3 units
Piano Pedagogy钢琴教学
Piano Pedagogy钢琴教学
3 units
Pedagogy Workshop教育模拟
3 units
Music for Young Children儿童的音乐
Music in Early Childhood儿童音乐
3 units
Current Practices in Early Childhood Music Education目前的实践在儿童早期音乐教育
3 units
Non-Module List:
Sources, Genres & Performance: Historical Perspectives各种来源、流派&表演:历史的代表
3 units
Sources, Genres & Performance: Analytical Approaches各种来源、流派&表演:分析方法
3 units
Advanced Piano Pedagogy Workshop高级钢琴教育模拟
3 units
Advanced Studies in Chinese Music高级中国音乐研究
3 units
Orff & Dalcroze Approaches to Music音乐处理方法 TeachingOrff & Dalcroze
3 units
Virtual Music Classroom虚拟音乐教室
3 units
Composition Seminar作曲研讨会
3 units
Music in Chinese & Other Societies中国音乐或其他
3 unit
入学要求uld possess:
· a bachelor’s degree in music with at least second class honours首先是要有音乐专业本科学历,还得是honors,表示你得是优秀的学生,何为优秀,必然你均分不能低于80,但是不够80的也是可以申请的,我们要帮你通过其他材料提升你的学术背景。
e institution, or
· qualifications deemed to be equivalent.或者是有专业的等同于本科的学历也可以考虑
Short-listed applicants may be invited for an admission interview. Applicants wishing to take the Piano Pedagogy module or Choral Conducting module should fulfil the respective additional requirements listed.入围的申请人可能被邀请做入学面试。申请
Admission & audition requirements for the Piano Pedagogy module
Applicants wishing to take Piano Pedagogy as the main module should prepare a short programme of two contrasting pieces:
1 First movement of a piano sonata by Mozart; AND
2 post-1800 work by Chopin, Mendelssohn, Liszt, Schumann, Brahms, Debussy, Faure, Ravel, Massiaen, Hindemith, Rachmaninoff, Shostakovich, Scriabin, Stravinsky, or Tchaikovsky
The performance should demonstrate technical competence, stylistic awareness and musical integrity. 3 to 5-minute selections will be heard during the interview. Performance from memory is preferred, but not required.
Admission & audition requirements for the Choral Conducting module
Applicants wishing to take Choral Conducting as the main module should submit:
3 a face-to-the-camera video of themselves showing their conducting in any ensemble performance or rehearsal of not less than 10 people;AND
4 a course list showing their previous training or experience in conducting
The video should be of 5 to 10 minutes in .avi, .mov, .wmv or .mp4 formats.
Applicants may choose to upload the video to any video hosting website and provide the viewing link, or to submit a DVD-Rom of the video to the Department. The required course list and video should reach the Department’s office within one week after the interview or the audition. Applicants will also be required to demonstrate basic conducting skills in the audition.
3. 香港教育学院
Course Details
3 mandatory courses
(3 cps x 3)
1 Research Methods in Music
2 Contemporary Approaches to Music Teaching and Learning
3 Socio-psychological Perspectives in Music & the Arts
9 cps
(Choose ONE)
3 mandatory courses
(3 cps x 3)
4 Advanced Music Composition
5 Contemporary Music Analysis
6 Composition Pedagogy
9 cps
3 mandatory courses
(3 cps x 3)
7 Performance Psychology and Pedagogy
8 Concert Practice
9 Conducting and Performance Leadership
3 FREE CHOICE courses
(3 cps x 3)
Choose ANY THREE focus courses; OR
Choose ANY TWO focus courses AND
one ELECTIVE course
(Choose ONE)
Choose ANY TWO courses on offer
1. Practices and Processes of Music Education I
2. Practices and Processes of Music Education II
3. Music Performance Teaching and Learning
4. Seminars in Cultural Ecology and Arts Dissemination
5. Arts Management in Hong Kong
6. Advanced Creative Musicking and Improvisation Studies
6 cps
Composition Portfolio
Recital Performance
24 cps
Core - 3 mandatory courses (9 cps)
10 Research Methods in Music
11 Contemporary Approaches to Music Teaching and Learning
12 Socio-psychological Perspectives in Music & the Arts
Focus– Choose any one of the following focuses (9 cps)
13 Composition and Pedagogy Focus
Advanced Music Composition
14 Contemporary Music Analysis
15 Composition Pedagogy
16 Performance and Pedagogy Focus
Performance Psychology and Pedagogy
17 Concert Practice
18 Conducting and Performance Leadership
· Mixed-mode Focus
Choose ANY THREE courses from the combined focus offers; OR
· Choose ANY TWO courses from the focus offers AND one ELECTIVE course
Elective– Free choice of courses on offer with supervisor's endorsement (6 cps)
Elective options comprise 6 cps which can be either:
· course-based– Participants who opt for the course-based elective option may choose any TWO courses from a range of relevant post-graduate courses being offered by the Institute, including special linked or articulated courses with local or overseas institutions.
· research-based– Participants who opt for the research-based elective option may choose one of the following options:
- Dissertation I & II
- Composition Portfolio I & II
- Recital Performance I & II
请问香港有什么音乐学院或者是大学里面有音乐系的? ...


以上就是好上学整理的香港音乐类博士院校排名 请问香港有什么音乐学院或者是大学里面有音乐系的? ...相关内容,想要了解更多信息,敬请查阅好上学。